Leo Astrology Symbol
Character & Fortunes

Kannan M

Assertive & Bold

You find the Leo Astrology Symbol as the 5th sign in your astrology chart. As the 5th, it is an Odd Sign.

It is also a Positive sign. As such, if you are a Leo Born, you will be very brisk, active, assertive, and bold.

Astrology Signs constitute Fiery, Earthy, Watery, and Airy Signs. The four types differ in their qualities.

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The classification takes into account the principal four elements of Nature namely, Fire, Earth, Water, and Air. Yours is Leo which is a Fiery Sign.

Practical & Firm

Leo Astrology Symbol gives you courage and enthusiasm. You exhibit vim, vigor, and vitality.

You are continuously on the go to achieve your ambitions. Leo is the boldest of Astrology Signs.

Astrology Signs are further classified into Movable, Fixed, and Common Signs. Leo is a Fixed Sign.

Leo Astrology gives you stamina, persistence, and perseverance. You have a strong Will. You are practical and firm. You have a persistent drive.

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Barren & Bestial

Further classification of astrology signs includes the fruitful, semi fruitful and barren signs. Leo Astrology Symbol is a Sign under the barren type.

Barren means sterile. As such, your efforts do not meet with satisfactory material success.

Astrology Signs are again classified into Bestial Signs and Dual Signs. Leo is a bestial sign.

Therefore, Leo Astrology makes you selfish, obey no rules, enforce your whims on others, and punish mercilessly whom you hate, and your enemies.

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Physical Features

In Leo Astrology Symbol, if the lord of the star in which the sub lord of your ascendant is posited is in Aries, you will be strong and well built. You have broad forehead and shoulders. You are tall, muscular, and majestic.

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If the lord of the star in which the sub lord of your ascendant is posited is in Leo, You will be noble, generous, and large hearted. You talk less. You keep dignity. You are fond of sports. You exhibit fury in moments of anger.

Health & Disease

If the sub lord of your 6th cusp is Planet A, and it is posited in the Star of Planet B. Planet A gives the results of Planet B, by B's occupation, ownership, and aspects. What happens if B is in Leo Astrology Symbol?

Leo Astrology confirms that if B is deposited in Leo, you will maintain good health. You will have a healthy constitution. Even if you fall ill, you recover quickly. You always rely on naturopathy.

Finance & Fortune

If the star lord (B) of the sub lord (A) in your 2nd cusp is deposited in Leo Astrology Symbol, You are lucky when you are young. You reach very high positions. You invest recklessly by instinct and gamble your fortunes.

Love & Romance

If the star lord (B) of the sub lord (A) in your 5nd cusp is deposited in Leo, it makes you highly romantic. You attract others. You show deep and passionate love. You keep your partner cheerful. You are an ideal lover.

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If you have questions on astrology about your health, disease, business, wealth, family, career, future, marriage, or love affairs, you can contact Expert Astrologer Dr.J. Lakshmi Jeya Swaruoopa the disciple of Kannan M with your questions by the contact form.

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