Astrology Numerology
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Kannan M

Astrology Numerology

Astrology lovers are interested in Numerology as well. Therefore we dedicate this page for such visitors.

People look into astrology and numerology for reasons like Health, Wealth, and Marriage Matters.

They also look for information on how to solve their family and business problems besides court litigations.

Additional Service

Hence we provide here resources on astrology, numerology, health, and details which will satisfy your thirst for information. It is your own responsibility to assess the credibility of the contents in these pages.

There are many schools of thought both in astrology and numerology. For name correction and such matters Vedic or Chaldean numerology is considered as the best. Pythagorean Numerology is not useful there.

The East & The West

There are many schools of thought in astrology numerology. It all differs from East to West. The Vedic and its refined scientific form known as Stellar astrology are widely used for their own merits.

The Westerners too had done a lot of research on astrology and we can not say it all false and unreliable. In fact they are more accurate and scientific than the Easterners in their calculation of progression & planetary aspects.

Accurate Predictions

If you have questions on astrology about your health, disease, business, wealth, family, career, future, marriage, or love affairs, you can contact Expert Astrologer Dr.J.Lakshmi Jeya Swaruoopa Disciple of Kannan M with your questions by the contact form.

Contact us if you want to start a business, or fix a marriage. If you want success, do it by getting your most auspicious date and time fixed by Dr.J.Lakshmi Jeya Swaruoopa Disciple of Mr. Kannan M. Consult about success or failure in your life, business, finance, law suits, or love. Apply now for our most accurate predictions.

Astrology Basics

Contact Us For Astrology Queries!
Know The Founder and his Disciple
Success in Marriage
Aquarius-The Sign & Its Meanings
Pisces-Significance & Characteristics
Astrology Houses That Decide Your Fate
Astrology Numerology To Love Match Astrology

Useful Websites

Vedic Astrology Report Remarkable Indian Astrology & horoscope readings as per ancient Vedic astrology system from Vedic astrologers of India.

Magic Spells Powerful Love Spells like Love Binding Spells, Get Back Lost Love Spell, Make Your Love Leave You Spell, Get Back Old Love Spell and more, also Love Casting available spells.

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